You can help lots of people by donating little. See our causes.

Donate Blood & Save a Life

We still have a few more charitable rounds to go before
Charlie can return to normal. In the meantime, we are
so grateful to everyone who participated in the last month's

Become a Volunteer

Volunteers are a valuable resource to support the planet. Hope is more than ten thousand volunteers in different countries. Our primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being.


What Our Donors Over the World Are Saying

Making Father’s Day more inclusive to the young boys created the balances in both addressing the challenges of living without a father and also not allowing that to define the young boys

Khwezi Duma

It takes a nation to raise a child – we all need to play our part to ensure the future generation has all the skills and wisdom to be fully functioning future parents

Ms Bongi Thabede

“Don’t be an absent father, children will always remember the man who treated them with love”

“Boys want to grow up to be like their role models and boys who grow up in homes with absent fathers search the hardest to figure out what it means to be a man”

Miss Jabu Zungu, Bashokuhle Primary School

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